Episode 24: The business of sports and culture w/Elisa Padilla


Episode 24 is a special treat. We have special guest Elisa Padilla, an award-winning marketer with a diverse background in sports and entertainment. Elisa led the 2018 rebranding of the MLB Miami Marlins, successfully led the brand transformation as the NBA Nets relocated to Brooklyn, and created the award-winning branding campaign for the Nets, “Hello Brooklyn”. This is only a small amount of the amazing work that we dive into during this episode of the Whiskey Hue. We sip on Henry McKenna Single Barrel 10 Year Old Bourbon Whiskey. Note: There are some technical issues with this episode, bear with us. Virtual recording is always a crapshoot. 


Bonus Episode: Hot topics it's the B-Sides


Bonus Episode: Hot Topics...Robinhood(Rich) and Day Trader Flipping